Puacura Experimental Forest


The Puacura Experimental Forest is a peri-urban park of 97.6 hectares, resulting from the joint effort of the Illustrious Municipality of Castro and the INFOR Forestry Institute. It is dedicated to conservation, long-term research and environmental education based on Chiloé’s ecosystems.

Research potential

It is an ideal natural laboratory to investigate and understand the ecology and dynamics of native tree species of Chiloé, as well as ecological processes connected to them and their restoration.

Ecosystemic potential

It provides a series of ecosystemic services to society that are important to life in this area of ​​Chiloé, such as the regulation of water resources, carbon capture, habitat for flora and fauna, biodiversity, recreation and ecotourism, among others, explaining why its conservation is relevant.

Environmental education potential

It allows the community to come closer to nature and to its importance for our lives through workshops and training.

Development axes of the Puacura Experimental Forest

About Puacura Experimental Forest

In 2018, the alliance between the Illustrious Municipality of Castro and the INFOR Forestry Institute was signed to give value to a restoration initiative at the landscape level, unique in the country, located in the Puacura area, Castro. This park, managed by INFOR, is a research and education park for the community and its visitors.

General view of the property prior to active reforestation in 2012

The restoration of the park replaced 82 hectares thickly covered by thickets of gorse (Ulex europaeus L.), an introduced and invasive species, with 12 species native to the evergreen forest (common coigue, Chiloé coigue, ulmo, canelo, avellano, luma, meli, arrayán, tepa, notro, olivillo and mañío). Given the site’s conditions, an intense and mechanized preparation and management of the land was necessary. This resulted in one of the most accomplished native forest restoration experiences in Chile, given the great percentage of success in the establishment of planted tree species, making it an icon at the national level.



Beginning of “Centro Forestal de la Planta Austral” nursery’s on-site work
Inauguration of the project “Bosque Experimental de Puacura –BEP” project.
Signing of agreement between the Illustrious Municipality of Castro and the Forestry Institute-INFOR. Within the framework of this agreement, the “Bosque Experimental de Puacura” project was born.
Beginning of reforestation of 82 ha with native tree species, executed by the forest nursery company “The Park”.